Luis Alvergue

Controls engineer by training, transportation engineer by trade

Tip on using Environment Variables inside Python scripts

5 minutes
June 8, 2021

After receiving several error emails from cron when trying to run the ETL pipeline I describe here, I realized that setting environment variables in your .profile does not guarantee your .sh scripts will have access to them. For example, if looks like

import os
sqlusr = os.getenv('SQLUSR')
sqlpass = os.getenv('SQLCRD')

and these variables are required for something else in the script, the following cron job will not work:

*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/python

The reason is that cron runs in a mostly empty environment, so SQLUSR and SQLCRD are not available, even though they have been defined in .profile. There are several ways to resolve this, I used the following approach. Wrap in a shell script ( as shown below

export SQLUSR=valueofvariable
export SQLCRD=valueofvariable
source ~/yourproject/env/bin/activate
cd ~/whereyoukeepthepythonscript

and call in your crontab

*/10 * * * * ~/ Alternatively, source your .profile inside of Sourcing your .profile seems more secure but I’m not sure if it actually is.